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Homerun B.V.

Maak kennis met Homerun

Homerun is the people-first hiring tool designed for SMBs. We’re a small business too – just 17 people in total. We do things our own way — or what we believe is the right way — which has earned us labels like "unpredictable" and "weird" which we wear proudly.

We believe SMBs are some of the most interesting and meaningful places to work. What they lack in size, they make up for with creativity, purpose and culture. For these companies, we've built a modern hiring platform that reflects their uniqueness.

Our product allows teams to keep track of candidates, review applications together, keep candidates in the loop and plan interviews all from one organized app. So no more ping-ponging between emails, CVs and spreadsheets.

Homerun also helps companies showcase their unique brand & culture with customizable job posts, career pages and candidate-friendly application forms.